Charitable chief: Haley Lockstein 

School/College: College of Science and Technology, Kornberg School of Dentistry
Degree: BS, biology, 2019; doctor of dental medicine, 2023
Hometown: Holland, Pennsylvania
Current Job Title: Chief resident
Current Employer: Albert Einstein Medical Center, Department of Dental Medicine

As chief resident of a dental department at a major urban hospital, there’s little that Haley Lockstein, CST ’19, DEN ’23, hasn’t seen. Each day she’s responsible for overseeing eight first-year dentistry residents at the Albert Einstein Medical Center in North Philadelphia, as they assist the practice with everything from routine cleanings for hospital employees to emergency surgeries to addressing trauma in victims of domestic assault. Often, they’re coming up with creative solutions to deliver the best care possible, even if a patient is underinsured.

Honoree Haley Lockstein wearing a white coat and standing in her lab

“Unfortunately, a lot of dental insurance is poor, and doesn’t cover most things. But at our residency, we do everything we can to try and get people what they need.”

—Haley Lockstein
Chief resident

Honoree Haley Lockstein wearing a white coat and standing in a lab

A Bucks County native, Haley first attended Temple to study biology as an undergrad Honors student for practical reasons. The school was close to home and offered her generous scholarship on top of already affordable tuition, she says.

Owls are everywhere. Haley chose to stay with Temple for dental school because of Kornberg’s reputation for high clinical requirements and robust alumni network in the region. After being elected president of the school’s chapter of Alpha Omega, an international dental organization, she met Marc Rothman, DEN ’88, an oral surgeon at Einstein. He invited Haley to shadow his office, helping lead to her residency at the hospital.

From root canals to research. Kornberg alumni practice a multitude of specialties, such as periodontics or pediatric dentistry. Haley gravitated toward the lab, where she helped research potential links between mental and dental health. Now at Einstein, Haley is again engaged in research, investigating topical medications to prevent cavities for those wearing braces.

After finishing her residency later this year, Haley plans to pursue a career as an orthodontist, which requires three more years of residency at Einstein. The decision has roots in an evolutionary biology course that piqued her interest as an undergrad—“It’s just so cool seeing cranial growth, and how children, over time, develop,” she says.

Photography by Joseph V. Labolito
Videography by Joe Schreiber

honoree haley lockstein wearing red scrubs
an image of dentures
gloved hands holding dental tools

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