
Sports Industry Standout: Erica Desrosiers

Dollars and sense

At an NBA Atlanta Hawks game, every detail—the lights, seats, sponsorships, jerseys, concession stand workers and on-court talent—holds one thread in common: It all costs money.

“All the fun stuff you see on ESPN, no one talks about the finance and accounting that’s involved,” says Erica Desrosiers, STH '13.


Photo by Dot Paul

At the end of the year, we need to see how profitable we are as an organization.”

Temple University Logo

Erica Desrosiers

Desrosiers does a lot of talking about it, though: She is completing her first year as a senior financial analyst with the team.  

Because in addition to scores and records and salaries, the team has other important numbers to track. 

—By Angelo Fichera, KLN ’13

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